Entrevistas y publicaciones 2022

Nuevo artículo científico elaborado en el marco del Doctorado en Ciencias Agrarias de la FCA-UNL

El Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias del Litoral (ICiAgro Litoral) invita a toda la comunidad a leer el artículo científico: "Hydraulic performance of mole drains and validation of steady-state drainage spacing equations for Mollisols",  desarrollado por el Ing.Agr.German Camussi en el marco de su tesis doctoral en Ciencias Agrarias por la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (FCA) de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL),  y con dirección del Dr. Roberto Marano, actual investigador del ICiAgro Litoral.


(Abstract summary)

"Central Santa Fe (Argentina) is a low-gradient region with impaired natural drainage. Extreme rainfall events are increasingly common and cause significant economic losses to agriculture. There is a growing interest in the use of mole drainage as a cost-effective strategy to mitigate such impacts. However, there is no information available that assists with mole drainage design, installation and maintenance, or the field assessment of a system’s hydraulic performance. This work was conducted with the dual objective of evaluating the hydraulic performance of an existing mole drains system and validating Hooghoudt’s steady-state drainage spacing equation for Mollisols. Three treatments representing different hydrologic conditions were tested; namely: (T1) rainfall of 360-min duration and intensity of 23 mm h-1, (T2) surface water ponding achieved through rainfall intensity of 50 mm h-1 and water depths between 50 and 100 mm, and (T3) similar surface water ponding conditions to treatment T2, but achieved through a rainfall intensity of 65 mm h-1 and either one (T3A) or two (T3B) sequential rainfall events. Following application of water, drainage commenced at 270 and 21 min for T1 and T2, and at 40 and 30 min for T3A and T3B, respectively. Mean drained depths were 1 and 3 mm for T1 and T2, respectively. For T3A, the mean drained depth was about one-third that measured for T3B (2.5 vs. 8.5 mm). Under a dry antecedent soil moisture condition, and rainfall intensity of 23 mm h-1, downward water movement was better described by piston flow. As surface water depth and soil water content increased, water flowed preferentially through the fissures and leg slots created by the mole plough implement at installation. Soil fissuring increased field hydraulic conductivity by factors between approximately three and ten. A 4 m mole drains spacing system was considered to be appropriate for managing excess water in the studied soil type. If the contribution of soil fissures to the field hydraulic conductivity can be accounted for, the Hooghoudt’s equation applied to two-layered soils may be used with confidence to help optimise the design of mole drainage systems for Mollisols. Application of this numerical approach, however, will require that the resultant spacing between mole drains be increased by about 30–40 %. Such an allowance will reduce installation costs and will not compromise the hydraulic efficiency of the drainage system."

Enlace al artículo completo: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198722001349

Para más información comunicarse vía email a iciagro@santafe-conicet.gov.ar